Courage to be Vulnerable

Do You Have The Courage to Be Vulnerable?: 6 Tips to Embrace You

Many of us were taught to be strong: to keep our problems to ourselves and that being vulnerable is a sign of weakness. We were taught that the world is a hostile place and we should practice a “survival of the fittest” mindset. So how do we gain the courage to be vulnerable?

However, it’s not easy to allow the world to see your flaws, weaknesses, and failures. We’re ashamed that we’re not perfect, but make every effort to convince others that we are. 

Vulnerability doesn’t come easy, but it provides tremendous freedom and many other benefits. For instance, if you can be vulnerable, you accept yourself and won’t feel the need to hide from everyone else.

Being Vulnerable

Use these ideas to allow yourself to be more vulnerable:

1.Realize that fear is the primary obstacle. The fear of rejection is a common human phenomenon. Therefore, it’s normal to feel that you lack privacy if you let the world see you for who you really are. But, let me fill you in on a little secret: fear is preventing your vulnerability! 

2.Think about the times you’re least likely to be vulnerable and authentic. When are you most likely to pretend to be something you’re not? In what parts of your life do you play small? How could you be more vulnerable in those areas of your life?

3. People that allow themselves to be vulnerable are respected. Everyone knows how challenging it is to be open and vulnerable. As a result, you’ll gain friends, respect, and admiration if you can find the strength to be vulnerable.

allow yourself to be more vulnerable

4. People trust those that are vulnerable. When you’re vulnerable, people can see who you are. The fact that you’re willing to be so honest gives everyone insight into what makes you tick. People find this comforting and can relax around you. 

5. Everyone has similar issues and challenges. You might be worried that your weaknesses and concerns will make you seem odd. People are more alike than not. Everyone is struggling with the same issues. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you’ll also help others to see that their concerns are normal, too. 

Read More: Your Circumstances And Being Happy Are Not Related 

6. Start small. There are many ways you can open up and allow others to get to know you. In time, you can up the stakes as your confidence grows and you’ll have the courage to be vulnerable.

Does it take courage to be vulnerable?

Here are some ways you can practice vulnerability:

  • Give a sincere thank you and explain why you’re so thankful. 
  • Admit a small weakness. For example, you might admit to someone that you’re not very patient or organized. 
  • Apologize for something that you did or failed to do. Everyone has plenty of opportunities to do this. 
  • Talk about a time you failed. Pick a small failure that you can laugh about. 
  • Do something in front of others that you’re not good at. Maybe you’re a terrible bowler, golfer, or bad at playing cards.
Ways you can practice vulnerability

Being vulnerable encourages others to do the same thus, relationships are strengthenedYou’ll become closer to your friends, family, and romantic partner.

Although vulnerability creates a deeper bond, it also creates emotional risk and uncertainty. But avoiding vulnerability creates other challenges. Ultimately, you’re never free to be yourself when you hide from the world. 

Without vulnerability not only do you feel lonely, disconnected, and frustrated but, also your relationships lack depth. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone: learn more about yourself and accept yourself! You’ll need to develop personal insight and courage to be vulnerable. Vulnerability can be frightening, but it is a necessary part of freeing yourself from your emotional bondage. 


What does it mean to embrace vulnerability?

If you want to fully develop as a person, vulnerability is part of the cost. Take one action today to show a little vulnerability. For instance, ask your partner or close friend to do something for you (and no, a ride to the airport doesn’t count)! Ask for support or advice and see what happens! You have what it takes– use that courage to be vulnerable!

What do you want to master? You can start today.

If you need some guidance I am your coach! My mission is to help women see past their limiting thoughts, beliefs and values so they can reconnect with themselves and step further into the peace and grace that they seek.



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Do You Have The Courage to Be Vulnerable?: 6 Tips to Embrace You Many of us were taught to be strong: to keep our problems


Do You Have The Courage to Be Vulnerable?: 6 Tips to Embrace You Many of us were taught to be strong: to keep our problems

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